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게재연도 2023.06.
논문집명 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
논문명 Abrasion Characteristics of Exposed Aggregate Concrete Pavements under Surface Deterioration
저자 Young Kyu Kim, Jae Hoon Kim, Kyoung Su Kim, Seung Woo Lee
구분 국외저널

This study compares the abrasion characteristics of concrete pavements with exposed aggregates and transverse tining textures under surface deterioration conditions. Deicer scaling resistance tests and dressing wheel abrasion tests were conducted to simulate surface deterioration under environmental and wheel loading conditions, respectively. Dressing wheel abrasion tests showed that the abrasion depths in concrete with 8 mm and 10 mm exposed aggregate textures were 43% and 36% lower, respectively, than those with transverse tining surface textures. After 40 cycles of the deicer scaling resistance test, the abrasion depth in the tining surface textured concrete did not satisfy the abrasion criterion of concrete pavements. Therefore, the long-term durability of the exposed aggregate texture can be ensured against abrasion and surface deterioration resistance during the pavement service life. 

핵심어 Exposed aggregate concrete pavement Abrasion characteristics Surface deterioration Scaling resistance Durability