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게재연도 2023
논문집명 한국지반환경공학회논문집
논문명 Analysis of Slope Characteristics Around the Location of Solar Power Plants in Gangwon Province, South Korea
저자 Beomjun Kim , Jiho Kim , Yongcheol Park, Chanyoung Yune
구분 국내저널

To analyze the slope characteristics of solar power plant installation region in Gangwon province, the installation status of solar power plant in Gangneung and Wonju city were investigated using GIS technique and satellite map. The solar power plant installation of Gangneung and Wonju city was 36 and 48 regions. Through topographical data of solar power plant installation region, a database for area, slope inclination, and elevation was construced. Based on the database, the slope characteristics of solar power plant installation region in Gangneung and Wonju city was analyzed. The resuls showed that the slope of Wonju city had a relatively higher slope inclination than Gangneung city. In addition, Gangneng and Wonju cities had many regions with maximum incliantion of 15° and 34° or more within the solar power plant.

핵심어 Solar power plant, Gangwon region, Gangneung and Wonju city, Slope characteristics, Database