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게재연도 2023
논문집명 Journal of Mountain Science
논문명 Estimation of actual carbon dioxide removal in burned forests using satellite data: A case study in South Korea
저자 Hanna Lee, Gihong Kim
구분 국외저널

With the increasing impact of climate change, carbon emissions and removals have become major issues. Forests are major carbon pools, and forest fires are an essential part of the carbon cycle. This study introduces a model for estimating the detailed actual CO2 removal in burned forests using burn severity and tree survivability. Actual CO2 removal was estimated from empirical yield tables without using the standard carbon removal provided by the national inventory. The primary CO2 calculation method followed the guidelines of the International Panel on Climate Change. The burn severity was mapped using Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument data, and the survivability of each forest type was estimated according to burn severity. The survivability was applied to the pre-fire CO2 removal of each forest to estimate post-fire CO2 removal. In our case study, the burned forest area was 1,034 ha, and the CO2 removal before the fire was 8,615.3 t/year. After the fire, removal decreased by 81.2% to 1,618.4 t/yr. In particular, the decrease in coniferous forests was high, more than 86%. The lack of survivability data on burned trees was a major limitation of our study. Systematically accumulating field monitoring data of post-fire forests will be necessary for future research and could serve as a reference for devising immediate countermeasures against forest fires.  

핵심어 Forest fire; CO2 removal; Carbon emission; Tree survivability; Remote sensing; Satellite data